FW 2022

In this 2022 F/W season, AMOMENTO focused on those precious and various days of the tables. The flower jacquard, quilting and padded items that increase not only wintery mood but also practicality complete the collection along with the brand’s own minimal, structural silhouettes. We hope you to add some rhythmical energy on to your days with the key colors consist of creamy butter, deep brown, vivid orange and blue.

상호: 아모멘토 대표자(성명): 이미경, 이명수 사업자등록번호: 787-20-00288 통신판매업 신고: 2016-서울종로-0786 전화: 02-6929-1383 주소: 서울특별시 종로구 사직로8길 34, 717호 개인정보보호책임자: 이명수 (myeongsoo.lee@amomento.kr)